Skills to list in a resume | BEGIN

Journey With Begin


The skills section in your resume comes in the top three sections that recruiters would check before even considering it. Work experience and education are the other two. Listing the right skills for the right job can increase your chance of getting hired.

Now, you might be wondering how difficult can it be to list some skills. Well, it is a little more tricky than it seems. With the supply and demand being unequal in the job markets, HR managers are swamped with resumes. With the advent of technology and the use of the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), almost 70% of the resumes are rejected at the screening stage because these systems look for keywords relevant to the job.

Skills are your differentiating factor. Skills are natural talents and expertise you develop to do a certain job. Your skills should also be reflected in other parts of your resume. There are two types of skills:

Hard skills v/s soft skills

Hard skills are technical skills required to accomplish certain tasks and responsibilities. They are acquired through education and training. Hard skills are measurable, easy to advertise, job-specific, and are directly applicable to the job. Your work history and certifications will speak for them. Your hard skills will let the recruiters know what you can do.

Some of the hard skills that you can list in a resume:

Machinery skills – Operating heavy machineries like forklifts, PoS, and pallet-stacker. These skills would be useful for someone who is applying for a position in a factory or a contract worker in manufacturing.

Software skills – These skills are important to everyone these days. Every job requires some kind of specialization in some software. For example, Adobe Creative Suite for designing or creative works, MS Office for accounting jobs, etc.

Languages – These skills would help when you have to deal with international clients. Even though your position in the organization might not have you deal with international clients, it is always good to mention languages you know as they would set you apart from the rest. Along with each language, mention your proficiency level.

Coding languages – These skills would include proficiency in computing languages like Python, C++, C#, Java, etc. They would be useful for IT jobs and some engineering positions also.

Techniques – Skills in this area demand a thorough knowledge of relational databases and strong verbal and writing skills. Techniques like data analysis and frequency analysis would be included in this.

Accounting and bookkeeping – Companies require accountants to handle their finances for them. Even if you do not have a degree in accounting, it would be a useful skill to mention as it would highlight that you can handle basic finance tasks.

And any other skill that you have gained through education or training.

Soft skills or interpersonal skills are attributes and habits that describe your personality and how you work. They may be “soft” but they are incredibly useful skills. They show how you would fit into the organization and with others. They are gained through life experiences and cannot be taught in a classroom. Soft skills are not job-specific and are indirectly applied to the job.

Some of the soft skills are:

Effective communication – No matter which industry you work for, written and verbal communication is a very important skill. Employers want team members who can understand the instructions and also effectively communicate it to others with confidence.

Teamwork – Every organization is a union of multiple teams and people. No one individual can work alone and make it work. Hence, people who know how to work in a team become an important asset to the organization.

Creativity – With the global market getting very competitive, fresh ideas are always needed to stay relevant in the market. Recruiters always look for candidates who can pitch novel ideas and push the status quo.

Problem-solving – What job doesn’t have its challenges and problems? Problem-solving means an ability to think under stressful situations and resolve conflicts.

Leadership – Recruiters always look for candidates who possess the skill to lead, inspire, and motivate a team, even if the position is not for managers. Quality of leadership would indicate that the person can climb the ranks and also lead a team in times of crisis.

Any other skill which would be a character trait. A good resume would be a blend of soft and technical skills.

Also read:

Parts of a Resume you should know!

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