Parts of a resume | BEGIN

Journey With Begin


A resume is a pivotal part of the search for your desired job. While there are hundreds of articles, books, and even resume templates available to make your resume stand out from the rest of the crowd, there are several people, mostly freshers or those who are switching jobs after a long time, who do not know how to make one.

Several parts are included in a resume that will give your potential employer an overview of who you are, what your qualifications are, your education, and why you would be a better candidate than the others. Making a resume can be a little daunting, but this article will help you to know the basic sections that should be included in a resume.

Contact Section

The purpose of this is to let your potential employer know who you are by having quick access to your details and how to reach you. This would be at the top of the document.

Your contact section should include your first and last name, mobile number, email address, and address. These are important and cannot be skipped. If you are not comfortable providing your full address, you can just write your city and state.

If appropriate for the job you are applying for, you can add your LinkedIn profile and link to your blog, website, or social media handle too.

Professional Title

Below your name in the contact information, you will add a professional title that would describe the type of role you are pursuing. It’s common for professional titles to change according to the job you are applying for.

Resume profile

A resume profile would be a three-to-four-sentence summarization of your skills, key qualifications, and experience. This should also include what you, as a job seeker, would be able to provide to the employer. It is not a compulsory component of a resume. There are two types of profiles, which are:

Resume Summary

If you are an experienced professional, then a resume summary would be relevant to outline your career experience so far.

Resume Objective

If you are a fresher and just starting your career, then an objective to highlight what you want to achieve would be relevant.


Your work experience is the most essential part of the resume. This would highlight the work experience you have that is relevant to the position. This would include internships, summer jobs, volunteer work, and special projects. If you have worked in multiple organizations, then you would list your work experience in chronological order, with the most recent one coming in first.

Use strong action verbs to describe your role in that organization and use hard numbers to highlight your accomplishments. You can also list any awards or certificates you have held during that period.

The format for work experience would be Employer or company name, location, employment dates, and then your role in the company.


This is a crucial part of a resume. The details of this would vary according to the number of years of experience you have. This is because your experience will be a deciding factor for hiring managers when determining your employability.

List the highest level of education first. If you have multiple degrees, list them in chronological order. However, consider omitting the less relevant educational items from this list.

You should mention the name of the degree, the university or the college where you have studied, and the year of completion of the course. You can also mention the percentage or scores of the course. You should also mention if you have been awarded any certificates or held a rank in that year.


Here you list any skills that you have which are relevant for the job. Don’t just focus on technical skills; soft skills are also equally significant. Write it in a short and easy-to-read list.

Soft Skills

These are your character traits, which would more or less be the same irrespective of your job. They are naturally acquired and can usually not be taught in a classroom.

Technical Skills

Every industry requires a certain set of skills, and that is what hard or technical skills are. These are learned through education or specific training, and they are job-specific skills. These are primarily your abilities with computers, machinery, or software.

Optional Sections

These are optional sections in a resume and can be included depending on your experience and the role you are targeting.


Many professionals require certain certificates or licences to be considered qualified for a job. You can also include certificates that will boost your credibility for the position you have applied for.


With many organizations working internationally, language skills can prove to be an important skill. If you are fluent in multiple languages, list them with their proficiency level. This part would be about human languages, not programming languages.


Hobbies are activities done in your free time and for no pay. Listing hobbies would be a good way to let them know that you have a character of your own. You don’t have to list every activity that you enjoy doing in your free time, just consider your best two or three hobbies.

By Ankit

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