Beat the bots with begin

Journey With Begin


A resume is a crucial part of your job hunt. To find a job profile that suits you, get an interview call, ace the interviews, negotiate the salary and finally get the offer letter in your hand is a very fulfilling moment. This rewarding journey begins by making a perfect resume. When you think of a resume, what comes to your mind is a document explaining your education, achievements, experience, etc. You should realize that it is not just reflecting everything you have done so far but showcasing all your accomplishments in a way to market yourself as the best potential hire. Your resume is your advertisement, reflection, and document that expresses you as a unique candidate perfect for the job.

Let us look at what happens once you apply for a job. You find job advertisements and go through the description. Most jobs now accept applications online. A resume is a must document that is asked for during this process. Your application gets submitted to the organization along with thousands of other applications. Then you wait for an interview call. If you are selected, you will be intimated by mail or call. If you are rejected, some companies, primarily via an automated reply, will let you know. But for the other major part, you will never even know what happened to your application.

Meanwhile, let’s get some behind the scenes. The thousands of resumes that an organization receives gets vetted by an Application Tracking Software or ATS. About 75% of them get rejected right away by these bots! This means your resume was never even seen by your recruiter. Even if you get past these bots, you will be ranked by this software based on relevance. Shortly put, the handy tool of your recruiter is a deadly weapon on your job hunt!

What was just a tool has become an unavoidable part of the recruitment process in almost all companies. The bots help a Hiring manager find the ap test candidate without any bias. Also, this way, the recruiter can make sure they have enough time to spend with suitable candidates. However, as a job applicant, even when you are the right candidate, there are chances that the bots will toss out your resume. Why does this happen?

ATS software, or basically a robot, is fed with some information, a.k.a. job requirements. It just breaks down your resume and picks up if these requirements are there in your resume. Anything that does not make sense to the robot will not even be considered. This includes everything from including abbreviations, not having enough keywords to spelling mistakes or undetectable tables or formatting. Yes, even the crucial contact information you often give in headers or footers will not be detected.

How do you beat these bots?

Don’t worry, my friend. Our expertise is at your service. At Begin, our experts specialize in beating the bots. They keep up with the market trends and industry standards. Our resume templates are tested and thrive in the job market. These are templates that have been proven to help candidates repeatedly. You can choose one of these or contact us to help you find what suits you.

However, what makes Begin a unique resume-making service is a personalized touch that we put in. On the internet full of ready-made or automated templates, Begin gives you a resume as unique as you. This will help make your resume stand out in the crowd and become a personalized document. Your resume will not look like the thousands of other resumes downloaded from the internet.

Our team will get in touch with you once you choose your template, get all the information regarding you and the job profile you are applying for and most importantly, understand you. Then, they tailor an ATS optimized resume which is also impressive to your recruiter. Because once you get past the bots, your resume will be read by a human. So it is also equally important to make it appealing to a recruiter. A recruiter typically spends 6 to 7 seconds screening your resume. Hence, all relevant details must be highlighted, and no elements that make you a potential candidate are missed.

Furthermore, your resume will be proofread and tested before reaching you within the stipulated time frame. Resume-making has never gotten any easier or more personalized. So what are you waiting for? Visit our services page or get in touch with our team at to get resume-ready today!

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